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Local Research Focus
Background of UGRR in Northeastern PA
Northeastern Pennsylvania as a Permanent Destination
Interacial Cooperation
Underground Railroad Escape Routes
Northeastern Pennsylvania’s Underground Railroad story puts African-Americans, both fugitive and free, firmly within the context of family and community, faith and education, agriculture and industry, social movements and civil disobedience. This is an uncommon aspect within traditionally-told UGRR stories, as it dispels the myth that escaping slaves were poor unfortunates ferried north to freedom by white Abolitionists.
This story shows that those escaping slavery were their own most powerful agents of change. Intelligent, resourceful individuals, many went on to build free lives as leaders in their craft, service, industry and community. CASS is committed to putting African-Americans back into their rightful place in Pennsylvanian and American history.
Local Research Focus
Background of UGRR in Northeastern PA
Northeastern Pennsylvania as a Permanent Destination
Interacial Cooperation
Underground Railroad Escape Routes